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Showing articles from sign out tag

What to do if you come across a "pulsing blue dot" when trying to sign into Shift

This article outlines what to do if you come across a continual pulsing blue dot when signing into Shift. ![][1] ## **Step #1: Hard Refresh Shift** Completing a hard refresh may resolve the issue. Press _**Ctrl Shift R**_ (Windows) or _**Cmd Shift R**_ (Mac) on your keyboard to hard refresh Shift. ## **Step #2: Ot…

How to access your paid features if you're suddenly asked to upgrade

**Unexpectedly being prompted to upgrade even though you've already paid for a Shift subscription or are part of a team? Read our quick tips below on steps you can take to regain access to your paid features! 🚀** ## **When you might be prompted to upgrade** There are a few scenarios when you'll likely be prompted to…

What to do if you had a recent domain or other email change

**Unexpectedly being prompted to upgrade in Shift?** If you've had a recent domain, host, or other email change, that might be why! If a change has occurred with your Primary Shift Account, you'll likely need to take some action and contact our support team to access your paid features again. Continue reading for some…

Primary Shift Account: how to sign out of Shift

Are you unexpectedly being prompted to upgrade? You might have signed into Shift with the wrong email! Learn how to determine what account you're signed into Shift with and how to sign out. 👩‍🎓 ## **How to find out what email you're signed into Shift with** The main email you first used to sign in to Shift will be y…

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