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Showing articles from bookmarks tag

How to add and manage Bookmarks

This article covers all the basics you need for using Bookmarks in Shift! Learn how to add a new bookmark, manage bookmarks and folders, hide and show the bookmarks bar, and export your bookmarks. You can have the bookmark bars as Global or tied to specific Workspaces. Your bookmark bar in Shift is global, meaning it …

Tips on Optimizing Your Shift Screen

This article outlines how to customize the appearance of Shift. ## **1. Change your sidebar size** To change your sidebar size, right-click anywhere on your sidebar and select between Default, Medium, Large, and Expanded. ![][1] Additionally, you can do it from the settings panel by going to Quick Settings (upper …

All about Bookmark Bars

Bookmark bars are a unique grouping of bookmarks that appear across the top of the Shift UI. Bookmark bars can be global or tied only to a certain Workspace. Continue reading to learn all the ins and outs of Bookmark Bars! 🍫 ## **Home Bar** If you don't see your bookmarks, press _**Cmd Shift B**_ or _**Ctrl Shift B*…

How to import/export bookmarks and browser settings

You can import your bookmarks and browser settings from a supported browser anytime in Shift! Supported browsers include Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Brave, and Vivaldi. **If you're using a different browser, importing browser bookmarks and settings is not possible at this time. **If you're looking for instructions on how t…

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