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Showing articles from Shift release notes tag

Shift 8.4.4 - Released 2023-03-24

## **Bugs Fixed 🐛🔨** * Regular maintenance - continue as you were! * * * ## **We want to hear from you! 💡** Get in touch with our Support team to submit your feedback, good or bad, **[here][1]**. [1]:

Shift 8.4.3 - Released 2023-03-16

## **New Things **✨ * Improvements to the top bar ## **Bugs Fixed 🐛🔨** * Footer text is broken under _Settings _> _About Shift_ * Uploading a custom image for Workspace avatars doesn't work when adding a Workspace (not yet user facing) * Tooltips remain visible after mouse has navigated away * App links o…

Shift 8.4.2 - Released 2023-03-08

## **New Things **✨ * Add animation support to the popover system * Refactor keyboard shortcuts * Refactor HTML input checkbox * Update Chrome history search calls * Update app deletion behavior * Improve tracking of app shortcuts and recently activated tabs * React updates ## **Bugs Fixed 🐛🔨** * Fi…

Shift 8.3.0 - Released 2023-02-08

## **New Things **✨ * Disable import button when no checkboxes are ticked * Add app shortcut smart link-handling dialogue * Update Epic Search options to use global dialogs * Show current date on Unified Calendar and align it * Enable bookmark syncing * Improve smart ink panel error handling * Refacto…

Shift 8.2.5 - Released 2023-01-26

## **New Things **✨ * Bookmark Bars: update the avatar options (not yet user-facing) * Bookmark Bars: add "remove" functionality to the "edit bookmark" dialog (not yet user-facing) * Manual "check for updates" item to the windows file menu * Event refactoring * Adjust sidebar flyout menu alignment * Unifi…

Shift 8.5.1 - Released 2023-04-05

## **New Things **✨ * New Auto-Launch setting ([click here to learn more][1]) * Adjusted login dialogue styling * New batch of apps ## **Bugs Fixed 🐛🔨** * WhatsApp webview is crashing when accessing chats that contain iPhone videos * Update Auto-Launch setting to reflect OS preferences * * * ## **We wan…

Shift 8.1.4 - Released 2022-11-02

## **New Things **✨ * Additions to back-end Workspaces infrastructure * Additions to back-end Epic Search infrastructure ## **Bugs Fixed 🐛🔨** * Notification permissions being denied in secondary partitions * Ensure "Open links in Shift" is properly disabled if Shift is set to the default browser * Ad hoc …

Shift 7.2.24 - Released 2023-01-09

Stable version 7.2.24 includes an updated OAuth flow to maintain compliance with Google Policies ## **What's new with this release **🗞 * Updated OAuth process to comply with Google Policies ## **Let us know what you think! 💡** If you have any feedback about the latest Shift version, we'd love to hear it! Get in …

Shift 8.2.3 - Released 2023-01-17

## **New Things **✨ * Bookmark Bars: update the default icon set * Bookmark Bars: adjustments to bar creation behaviour * Unified Calendar: add border to calendar events (not yet user facing) * Updated omnibox search icon and default text ## **Bugs Fixed 🐛🔨** * Traffic light buttons are not fully clickabl…

Shift 8.1.1 - Released 2022-10-12

## **New Things **✨ * Rebase completed * Updates to the settings landing page * Basic smart link-handling * Epic Search Google Drive suggestions ## **Bugs Fixed 🐛🔨** * Printer preview not working * PDF preview not working * Google app redirects not navigating correctly * CMD/CTRL+P shortcut not func…

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