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Home > Known Issues > Site can't be reached error message
Site can't be reached error message
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Issue Summary đź“„

After the recent update to v8.5.11, some users are running into a "site cannot be reached" or " refused to connect" error message and are unable to log into Shift:

Status: Resolved ✅

The reason for this error message is that v8.5.11 included some "under the hood" changes, that can sometimes cause Shift to get stuck in a loop. Worry not, as there are some basic troubleshooting steps you can do to help get you signed back in. Follow the suggested steps below:

  1. Click the back button towards the top left, then hard refresh Shift by pressing Cmd Shift R (Mac) or Ctrl Shift R (Windows) on your keyboard
  2. If the above does not work, perform a full data reset. Follow the second set of steps below, based on your OS:
    1. For Mac
    2. For Windows

What's next?

Check out other known issues here.


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